Welcome to Robveale.com


The following quotes are from recent training sessions.  For a summary of feedback please click here.

‘I love that you've presented heaps of these workshops but your energy and passion for the topic is as if this was your first time. Thank you Rob.’

‘This presentation should be mandatory for anyone working with whānau when Family Harm, current or historical, may be a factor in the engagement.’

‘I think the workshop length was about right, although I definitely could have stayed longer and learned more! Great workshop, thank you Rob.’


‘Tino pai Rob’

‘Really enjoyed the event, gave me lots to think about. Lovely personality, so entertaining and informative.’

‘I have already spoken to other organisation and peers about the hui and they are keen to know more. I have also indicated to the presenter that i would like to have a session at our Marae.’

‘I laughed when I saw the question.  How likely would I recommend Rob Veale. It's Saturday and I haven't stopped.  Forwarded resources to my daughter half way through a paramedic degree.  Like the suicide training.  Rob has given us new tools and languaging moving forward.  I really believe this needs to be taught in schools and community.  Perhaps tailored for age groups but our rangitahi would benefit from learning earlier rather than later.  All I can say is. I gained much from your insight and life skills Rob.’

‘I wanted to quickly email you and let you know how valuable your workshop was last week! Within 48 hours I was on a crisis call with someone who said they had been strangled the night before.  She hadn’t been to see a doctor even though she had lost consciousness and she was also afraid that by slapping and biting the assailant she might get into trouble (she also didn’t want him charged but Police were going to anyway).  I felt confident providing her with evidence-based information and the recommendation that she see her doctor as quickly as possible. I am also encouraging others to attend again in the future and to look up the resources you provided.   Anyway, thanks again. Much appreciated and very timely!’